The Quest for the Holy Grain - Best Beer Bars




Yard House Las Vegas
6593 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 734-9273

Yard House is a beer bar in an upscale shopping mall at the south end of the Las Vegas Strip.  Very large, there are about 50 booths around the perimeter and about 50 more tables surrounding the massive bar.  There is also an outdoor area.  The centerpieces of the bar are the two beer tap towers, each with 80 taps.  Lots of beer !!  But actually nothing special or unique.  Make a list of the most popular beers in the world; imports, macros, and micros.  This list is what they serve.  A caveat:  The tapped kegs are in a small, glassed-in room (shown at right) up front on the way to the rest rooms.  Some of the lines from the kegs to the taps are probably over 100 feet long.