Quest for the Holy Grain | |
Hall of Questors |
Here do we swear, by mouth, heart and hands, fealty and service to the Holy Grain. To strike and to spare, to speak and to be silent, to come and to go, to do and to let be and to drink beer the entire time. In all matters which concern this Quest, in need or in plenty, in peace or in war, in living or in dying, until grain departs from this planet, or death take us, or the world end, so say we Questors all, that only the most faithful Questors may enter this hallowed hall.
The names of the men inscribed on this page shall be known as Questors One Thousand throughout the land of the Holy Grain. Questors pledge to a strict code of honor and service:
Chef Hatt
On the eleventh day of April, in the Year of Our Lord 2016, Chef Eric Hatt entered the Hall of Holy Grainers by consuming and documenting his 1,000th different beer. Eric so becomes the Eighth Questor to gain admission into this esteemed college. The beer in question was a Prairie Bomb...a rough-riding American Imperial Stout. Hats off to Chef Hatt! |
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On the sixth day, in the 8th month, in the Year of Our Lord 2010, Stephen Wright did become the Seventh Questor to drink and document his 1000th different beer in the Quest for the Holy Grain. He is seen here with that memorable beverage...a Bear Republic Racer X. Notable is the fact that Stephen consumed his 1000 beers in the span of 489 days! Onlookers were on hand from as far away as Berlin, Germany to witness this historic event. |
On the 22nd of May, in the Year of Our Lord 2010, David Ross Stuart did consume and document his 1000th different beer in his Quest for the Holy Grain. |
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David began his Quest on April 4th, 2007, by slaying a Smithwick's Ale under scrutiny of suitable witness. |
Dave's 1000th beer was a Russian River Consecration, and the event was held at The Canal Street Pub in Reading, PA. It was consumed with a smile. Dave's henchmen kept an eye on the sketchy crowd.
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Yonan the Barbarian On the 13th day of August, in the year of our Lord 2009, Yonan the Barbarian did consume and so document his 1000th different beer in the Quest for the Holy Grain. The brew was a Roots Organic ExxxCalibur Imperial Stout. The deed was not witnessed by fellow Questors as Yonan was sacking the village of Portland, Oregon at that moment in history, and was thus thousands of miles away. The immortal quaffing was, however, looked upon by Dr. Heswd Vøe. Upon finishing the beverage, Yonan immediatley started on his second thousand. |
On April 4, in the year of our Lord, 2009, Russell D. Long IV did become the Fourth Questor to be inducted into the solemn Hall of Holy Grainers. The Celebration was held at the Frisco Grille, Columbia, Maryland. |
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Russell is shown here consuming the landmark beverage...a Southern Tier Iniquity to be precise. |
A host of friends, loved ones, and fellow Questors were on hand to witness Rusty's achievement exactly two years after beginning his Quest for the Holy Grain. | ![]() |
Cap'n Ken
On January 30, in the year of our Lord, 2009, Cap'n Ken did become the Third Questor to be inducted into the solemn Hall of Holy Grainers. The Celebration was held at the Judge's Bench, Ellicott City, Maryland.
A jubilant Captain celebrates his feat with Questors, friends, and well-wishers. The Cap'n began his Quest in May of 2006. Cap'n Ken managed to keep his emotions on an even keel, though spirits ran high and fine ales flowed freely during the gala festival. |
The Cap'n had actually slayed his 1000th beer on January 19, 2009...or so he thought! An accounting error showed it to be but number 997. The Ancient Mariner is shown here taking his landmark libation in stride, perusing a paper as he fends off autograph-seekers. |
On the 26th day of the eighth month in the year of our Lord 2006, Foamee did become the second Questor to scale to that lofty plateau by consuming and documenting his 1,000th different beer.
![]() | Foamee
takes the first sip of his 1,000th different documented
Austrian brew. |
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deed was done amidst a gathering of friends and Questors at the Frisco Grille
in the village of Columbia. | ![]() |
the First welcomes Foamee to the Great Hall of Holy Grainers. | ![]() |
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staff of the ale house, and various drinking companions were swift to pay homage
to Foamee and his accomplishment. | ![]() |
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his Quest for 1,000, Foamee has always honored family values. | ![]() |
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travels will now take him to the cold North, and across the great ocean to the
East, as his Quest continues, leaving Brothers Yonan, Mickey D., Cap'n Ken, and
Calvano vying to become the next Questor to reach the Great Hall of Holy Grainers. |
Walter the First
On the 9 th day of the fourth month in the year of our Lord 2005 Walter did become the first official inductee into the Great Hall of Questors by drinking his 1,000th documented beer.
Walter the First holds number 1,000... an Alpenhof Oatmeal Stout amidst an assemblage of Questors gathered to witness what no other Questor has done. |
The Grain is nearly consumed as Walter the First transcribes the event for history and becomes the first to enter the Great Hall of Questors. |
Only 975 to go! | Timmy and Green Arrow keep an eye on Foamee |
General Manager Richard Franklin pays appropriate homage to Walter |
Mickey D. laughs at an inside joke. Hell...based on the number of hits we've had, this whole thing is an inside joke. |
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Yonan hoists a firkin
and gets into the swing of things |
Yonan the Barbarian, a founder of the Quest for the Holy Grain, witnessed this event and had this to say, "The guy's a nut. We were partaking of ale, it was the Holidays, no one was really going to drink and document a thousand different beers. Going out for beers with Walter got to be like playing one-on-one with Shaq, no one wanted to do it. He was way too serious and way too good at this. A thousand different beers in sixteen months, taking his records eveywhere he went, it's kinda creepy- scary, you know? But he'd buy a six-pack to get a new beer and me and some of the other Questors got a lot of free beer that way, so I hope Walter goes for the world record, I bought a new car with the money I saved on beer this past year."
Here are some of Walter's reflections on that night.
"I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety" ...Shakespeare, Henry V | ![]() |